Archive for February, 2012


Hey Everyone,

So my sound designer edited a full new version of the narration. I am excited to hear it. It wont be in the Animatic below, but it will be in the next Animatic.

Sound in general is proving to be a lot of work. There was a point in time where I had absolutely on idea what I was doing so I decided to ask Bethany to help me make a full and complete schedule for both my Sound Designer, my Composer and anything that I would need to give them as pertains to sound. Oh my goodness, this all makes so much more sense. Now I have a concrete Timeline to go from! So I sent it to the both of them and we have all been working to keep on schedule.

According to the schedule, I need to post a new Animatic every week and a half to two weeks on my blog for my sound designer and composer to work from. I was supposed to post a new one tonight but when I rendered my current Animatic, I only rendered the parts with animation instead of the entire Animatic. The link to my newest animation is at the top of this update.

I will be posting a Full Animatic tomorrow for my sound designer and composer. (Sorry guys!)

Otherwise, I am starting to fully realize how fast time is running out and am slowly beginning to freak out a little. HOWEVER! I don’t want the quality of my animation to decrease so I am hurrying but with care. I have decided to color all of my scenes myself. Its more fun that way and I don’t have to spend extra time coordinating things with even more people. I have plenty of coordinating in my RA schedule and the plethora of events I have to put on and with my sound designer and composer. If I have to coordinate with another person and keep up with anymore stuff, I think I might go crazy. No, no. I will color myself.

My scenes are coming together very well. I have no questions at the moment.

Anyways, that’s it for this week.


Updates 2/20 – 2/27

Hey everyone,

Look out for a new Animatic. As it will be for the next month, I am animating.

Updated Animatic – 2-15-12

Updates (2/6/12 -2/13/12)

This may come as a big surprise but im still animating. Keep an eye out for an updated animatic (for the 4th time).

Updates 2/6/12

I am still cleaning up scenes. Also, while cleaning up, I changed a few. Look out for an updated Animatic sometime today when I have the chance to upload it. Until then, more animating.