Hey Everyone!

So this week and last week, I was barely able to do any animation. I had the 16th Annual Ed Wood Film Festival to plan, prepare, set up, host and clean up on Friday so I spent the rest of the day Wednesday and Thursday and Friday preparing for this event. I was able to work a little bit on Saturday but not for long before going to work. My Sundays are filled with church and meetings and then I have work to top it off until 1am. Today, I was stuck at the dorm taking care of RA stuff until 1pm and then found out that rentals for the Ed Wood Film Festival were due back today so I spent the rest of the day traveling all over the LA Area taking rentals back because I am the only one on our staff without classes on Mondays (and today was supposed to be my Thesis Day). Now, I have an essay to write. Hopefully I will be able to touch my Thesis tonight.

So…I wont have as much Animation to show this Wednesday as I would have hoped but I will have some. I am REALLY looking forward to Spring Break where I can literally work on nothing but Thesis from dawn until dusk. It will be great. Its hard enough trying to sit down and focus scatterbrained.

Good news! My sound designer retouched my entirety of my grandfather’s narration. Now there are no pops or cut offs and all of the voices are at the same volume level! How she fished through an hour and a half of sound and made it identical to my rough edit is beyond me but she did it! Yay! It will be in my New Animatic that I will show for class.

That’s it for now!